Is Hawaii a No-Fault Divorce State?

Is Hawaii a No-Fault Divorce State?

Yes, but what does that mean? It only means that you don't have to give a specific reason why you want a divorce. The form complaint for divorce notes two boxes to check: one is  "irreconcilable differences". Must've been a lawyer or judge to come up with that wording, but it is the perfect phrase. It means we don't get along and see no way to fix it. No need to go into details. 

The other box is that you've been living apart for two or more years, so there is no point in continuing the charade. 

It doesn't matter if one party is playing around or even being abusive. One party being unfaithful may affect custody and visitation of the children, but not always. Alleging abuse definitely will affect custody and visitation of the minor children. Do not allege abuse to try and get an advantage in a divorce. This was quite the fashion some years ago, but the court got wise to that ploy and it could result in the other person getting custody of the children. And why hurt the kids that way? Unfortunately, some people still try this, but it's not the right thing to do and the court will take that into consideration when awarding custody and visitation. 


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