Know You Are Getting Divorced or Splitting Up?

If you and your “significant other” realize you are no longer going to stay together, what do you do? If going to counseling is not an option and you can step back from the emotions this realization often triggers, suggest you go online to download certain forms:
1) basic matrimonial information form:
2) income and expense:
3) asset and debt:
4) parenting plan:
5) paternity information form:
6) paternity financial form:

Why? It will help you focus. Because when you call a lawyer, s/he will ask you for a lot of information that will have to be filled out on those forms sooner or later. The Asset and Debt is usually especially critical in any divorce. Where’s the money? Copy any financial documents to prove the amounts you note. If you don’t know, try and find out.
If there are kids involved, has there been any discussion on how parent sharing be arranged?
Then call a lawyer.
But- if you are not in a mood to fill out any forms, and are just overwhelmed, call a lawyer and nd see what kind of service you get, what forms the lawyer will ask you to fill out? Sooner or later, and best sooner, the first three forms listed above will have to be filed with the court in any divorce action.. Dividing up the assets and debts in a divorce can be simple or enormously complicated.
The lawyer may fire the weapon but you have to provide the ammunition. The sooner you provide the ammo, the better.




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